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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The End...

It’s been a minute since I blogged, primarily because of the baby, the new job and of course, the ever challenge and fear of me getting too personal with my situations. Nevertheless, back by popular demand, as I introduce to some and reintroduce to othersà ME. 

As I approach another birthday, I find the need to purge emotionally, mentally and spiritually and put closure on some things in my life.  I probably need to purge physically, but that would be a clear sign of anorexia and you know Black girls are not known for that….anyway- As they say, out with the old and in with the new.  There are some things that I just need to "throw the towel in" on–primarily relationships-and start a new journey.  In actuality I am very upset with myself, in all honestly it shouldn't take 365 days for me (or you) to realize something isn’t working or someone isn’t working in my (your) best interest, but as women what do we do....we drag our feet, we make excuses, we know that “moving on” is so hard to do and we say things like “moving on isn’t really in our nature”. We are emotional, we are sensitive and we are expected to bear the burden and do it all for everybody.  I know you are like what is Phillysugamamma talking about.  I’m talking about anything in general that is not working in your life, specifically today; I am talking about the current dating situation many of my friends are in.

Well ladies (and gentlemen) its 2012, and our mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters are dying from stress, heart disease, cholesterol, broken hearts and every health disparity that is indicative of not putting our own needs first.  We have to stop making excuses, and do what is best for us.  Remove people from our lives that do not deserve to be in the front row-or in the audience for that matter.    It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you get rid of the dead weight in your life.  Sometimes we block our own blessings.
My new motto: 
If it makes me sad, it’s gone
If it makes me mad, I’m gone.

Every person knows their breaking point but why should we wait until then...maybe you didn’t get the promotion you deserved, maybe he didn’t come home, maybe he said he can’t leave her yet…Well what are YOU going to do about it?  Sit around and wait for more disappointment?  Most often we see the dead end before we get to the end of the road.  When we see it coming, we need to begin to rethink the direction we are going in and re-channel our energy.  Turn around, forge another path, make our own way.

Whatever the breaking point is for you, know when to throw the towel in before it gets thrown on you.  I have 58 days to get rid of the BS, and I’m starting today.  Can’t turn another year older, and not learn from the mistakes of the past year and not do something different. It’s time to start another chapter.

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