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Tuesday, June 14, 2011


How come when people ask us what our strengths are, we always say "I am a teamplayer".  Really?  No your not.  LOL!!!! Does Teamwork REALLY make the dream work?  Or does it cause more confusion? Why do we waste our time in team meetings about meetings about meetings about meetings...UGHHHH!!! HELP ME, Please.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for a good strategic planning meeting, but please have a purposeful meeting.  Please start and end on time. I am looking for a meeting with defined outcomes and processes.  A meeting where folks come prepared and have done the proper research prior to the meeting.  What I am not interested in are meetings where we talk in circles, there are no experts and people attend with out the proper documentation, notes, information, etc.  In addition I am not interested in random meetings where people come to hear themselves talk and toot their own horn.  Beat it! Do that on your own time!

This picture defines how I feel about some of the meetings I generally attend!
Meetings Demotivator
If you are looking for GREAT Demotivator quotes/posters/shirts/mugs like the one above, you can find them at this website:
Despair, Inc.

Many of the slogans and sayings made me chuckle!!!

I actually think I am going to purchase the picture above and hand it in my office!!!

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